is sehra allowed in islam

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How to wear Sehra in a wedding? is sehra allowed in islam?

 Wearing sehra in marriage is mubaah, that is, if you wear it, there is no reward and if you do not wear it, then there is no sin.

 It is well known among the people that wearing Sehra is a Sunnah of Prophet Kareem Swallallaho Alaihi Wasallam. This is just nonsense and outright lie.

 Mujaddide Azam Sayyidna Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Irshad says: "Sehra is neither forbidden in the Shariat, nor necessary or mustahab in the Shariat, but it is a worldly ritual. And tell the jealousy. 

He is a strict liar, a utter liar and whoever considers it necessary and necessary, and makes fun of those who do not understand logic and do not wear Sehra, and is utterly foolish.

sehra for bride, is sehra allowed in islam, sehra for muslim bride, sehra bandi in islam, flower sehra for bride, muslim sehra, hindu dulha sehra, sehra meaning
sehra for bride, is sehra allowed in islam, sehra for muslim bride, sehra bandi in islam, flower sehra for bride, muslim sehra, hindu dulha sehra, sehra meaning

 The groom's sehra should be of pure Arali flowers. If there are roses, it is much better that roses were born out of the sweat of Huzur Akram (swallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and were liked by you, as is proved by the frequent books of ahadith.

 Hadith :- Hazrat Muhaddis Sayyidi Imam Shaykh Shahabuddin Ahmed Qastlani Radi Allahu Anhu narrates in his Tasneef "Mawahibul Ladunnia" and Hazrat Muhaqqiq Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi Radi Allahu Anhu in his Shohraye Afaq Tasneef "Midarejunnabubbat" narrates:

  The rose flower was born out of the sweat of Shabe Meraj Huzoore Akram Swallallaho Alaihi Wasallam and there is a narration that Chambeli was born out of Huzur's grinding Mubarak. " ( Muvahibulladuniya + Madarijunnabuvat Vol-1 page number - 48 )

 Although this hadeeth does not have the status of seth in the Artikah of Muhaddisin, but the hadith zaif in Fazail is also worth it. 

 As the same Hazrat Imam Qustlani narrates further from Hazrat Abulfarah Naharwali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu: "These hadiths in which it is mentioned that the rose was born out of the sweat of Huzur swallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

 Although Muhaddisin has a Kalam in it, but what has come from these hadiths is one strand from the Fazl and Karg Mojizat of Prophet Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and there is very little of the same exercise, which Parvardigare Alam recited his Habib sallallaho alayhi wa sallam The saying of Mohddisin in these words is a cry in the light of isnad's investigation and tasahih, not on the grounds of being impossible. " ( Muvahibulladuniya Bahwala Madarijunnabuvvat Vol-1 | page number - 49 )

 Hadith: Huzoor Akram sallallaho alayhi wa sallam  says:

 "Whoever wants to smell my fragrance, let him smell the rose." (Madarijunnabubbat Jilda - 1 page number - 49)

 It was learned that the existence of a rose is due to the blessings of the Prophet, and smelling the rose is like smelling the fragrance of the government.

  That is why the Ulama Kiram says: "Whenever one smells a rose flower, he should read Darood Sharif on Huzoor sallallaho alayhi wa sallam." Therefore, if you have to wear sehra, then wear a sehra of pure roses or chambeli flowers.

 There should not be shining sheets in the face that it is jinat and it is haram to win a man and wear a dress which is shiny.

 If there are shining leaves in the face of the bride, then there is no harm that women are allowed to live.

 Some people put money (notes) etc. in Sehra. It is a sign of wasteful spending and pride and taqbbur, and taqbbur is strictly forbidden in the Shariat. 

 So if the sehra is only of fragrant flowers and not much money is wasted on it that the wedding is for one day, the sehra is neither worn nor of any use on the second day.

 The best thing is to put a rose necklace around the neck, it is more appropriate.

 Bride and groom's prayer while decorating

 The women who decorate the bride should give blessings to the bride.

 Hadith: Ummul Mominen Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha  says: That! "When I was married to Huzur sallallaho alayhi wa sallam, my father Mazda brought me to the wealth of Sarkar sallallaho alayhi wa sallam, there were some women from Ansar, they decorated me and prayed:

 Alal Khairi Wal Barkati and Ala Khairi Twairin

 Translation :- Well and Barkat, Ho and Allah bless you well). (Bukhari Sharif Book - 3 Bab - 87 Hadith - 142 page number - 82)

 Therefore, our Islamic sisters should also pray in these alphabets whenever they go on the occasion of someone's wedding, while decorating the bride or while meeting her.

  Similarly, the groom's friends should also give this dua to the groom while tying Sehra. Another narration of "Bukhari Sharif" states: "Hazur Akram sallallaho alayhi wa sallam blessed Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf Radi Allahu Anhu on his marriage in this way Irshad prayed.

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